As I mentioned in my post befor, I want to talk about long haul flights and how to survive them at best!
I also need to mention, these are the things I experienced and I don't know, or more I am sure, this is not working for everyone. So don't be upset if my tips don't work for you!
At first, I didn't had actually a problem with these 10 hours flights. Why?
The answer is simple: Board entertainment!
This is my first suggestion: Use it! You have that cute screen at the head of the seat in front of you and they have, by times, amazing films!
When I got to america I watched tons of films. Okey, not tons.. But hey, at least I watched 3 films and started another one.
That is the first thing. It kept myself pretty much entertained which was good, so I didn't got bored and wished that it was over.
You should probably also know I am actually a huuuge fan of flying and so.. Yeah.
But, I didn't went alone to america. My friend, Franzi, who came with me was totally afraid of flying and it was her first time.
What did she do?
First, she didn't sat next to the window, I sat there. This seemed to help her alot and she was comfortable with the middle place. It also helped her to see how the plane took of and landed again. Afterwards, she really didn't wanted to see what happened outside (Clouds passing, yeeay)
What else? It may help if you sleep during the time. But, I really understand that it is not always possible. Espacially if you have the middle and aisle seat.
And now the next tip: Get such a neck thing. And to safe space: There are some you can blow up! It really doesn't sound comfortable but believe me: It actually is. Because it keeps you from having these.. "Half asleep, letting your head fall somewhere so you wake up" moments. Very helpful, should go in your handluggage.
"Hey, I still can't sleep. What to do now?"
Either you concentrate on your screen in front of you, or you get some sleeping pills. As far as I know, there are some light ones to get in the pharmacy, at least in germany.
I can say, for me they actually don't work. I get a little more sleepy, but thats all. I don't get the chance to sleep. And there is still the chance that you don't get along with it and after the fly you feel horrible!
So, you should check them out at home, before you go on such a long trip.
Another tip is, do some sport before. Like, walk around the airport fastly to get the excitement out of your body that keeps you awake. Do some walking or even running, stretch your body while you still have the chance, do some squats or anything like that!
It makes you feel not so active anymore and makes you a little calmer. Some people can even sleep than!
Oh, what is also really important. Food!
Please, pleease don't eat anything really fatty before going on a plane. It just makes you feel bleurgh.
And, what I figured out.. Last time I was flying, it wasn't even a long fly, a guy ate a "Döner" before. Oh godness... Please just don't. Your body may react different to the food you usually eat once your up in the air.
Try to eat something very light. Some fruits or something. And on a long fly, you get food there. Usually they go around for quiet alot and you can ask for something to eat. And drink alot! Don't forget drinking! On my fly to america, the staff walked around like.. 10 times or more to pass around drinks which was really good.
You also may feel reeeaaaally shit, like dirty and unwashed.
Before you take of, bring some baby wipes with you. They are amazingly helpful! You can also get on the toilet on the plane, but I understand if you don't want to. I don't want either.
So these wipes can keep you fresh once you rub it over your face, hands and arms. There is actually nothing to keep your feet clean or keep you feeling that your feat are clean. Either you go on the toilet and block it just so you can wash your feet, or you just wait.
Usually it's not a problem to get these wipes with you on the plane.
All in all, I can just say, you need to try what keeps you feeling good and satisfied. For me, the board entertainment is enough.
If you know you feel like throwing up, there are also those nice.. Travel pills? They calm your stomache.
Oh and I almost forgot the really easy tips: You get pain in your ear when taking of or landing? Chew on gummy bears! Or gum. It really helps!
I hope some of you survive these long trips a little better or feel better prepaired now!
If you need the german translation, don't hesitate to ask me, because otherwise I leave that here in english. (Figured out that translating takes a lot since I am a lazy brat)
Sadly I don't have any airport pictures from myself so.. Yeah.
I wish you all further a nice day and a great week!
der tip mit dem nacken-ding ist wirklich gut, das brauch ich auch noch x3
AntwortenLöschengestern beim japanisch-treffen hat mir auch einer, der einen austausch in japan gemacht hat, erzählt, als er geflogen ist, konnte man sich an bord eine ps2 leihen *-*
Ja? Das wär echt cool! Wir werden ja sehen wie es ab Frankfurt weiter geht! Und ich empfehle uns auch noch vor dem Flug n paar Runden zu gehen und zu bewegen! :D